Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 2

Here we are at day 2 so far..last whole foods eaten on Friday night at 6pm. Doing good so far, not to say this has been a piece of cake..mmm cake. Saturday I had to make 2 trips to the grocery store because I need to grab a few more things. That was certainly a challenge for me, I forced myself to stay up front in the fruits and veggies only so I wouldn't be tempted by anything I saw. Last night we were out running errands (I had packed 2 of my juices so I had plenty of nutrients for myself) but the person with me wanted Culvers. Rather than let that into the vehicle I just sat outside while she went in to eat her meal.

There are times my mind does dwell on what I could be having and what I think I want. But this is a mental thing as much as a physical one. I won't say that I am not hungry because there is a level of hunger there but I am not sure if this is true hunger or just what my mind is telling me. It certianly does not help that I am smelling chicken and rice right now...and being reminded that THEY have to eat and I CHOOSE to do this....yeah not helping...

It is a challenge at home, being the only one doing this detox. The smells of food cooking and then being asked to cook something is difficult. Sometimes I wonder if this was a good idea.

But when I start to wonder that I just remind myself that this is only for 7 days - anyone can do anything for 7 days. I can reset my mind and body to make better choices. I CHOOSE to do this. I can do this!

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